Upcoming Events

Nuclear Finance

The e-book is now awailable e.g. at amazon.de
Do you want to know more about our finance driven world.
Then your perfect x-mas present is the book:
Nuclear finance - Bank management in disruption. You can buy it by clicking HERE.
How should managers prepare and act in what we call the Age of Nuclear Finance

Pargasloppet 2024 is soon infront of us so start training. Come train with us!
Have lunch with us or call us

We can come and visit you, or go outdoor walking, for a sport event or just have a coffee?
You are most welcome to schedule a meeting with us in Europe, Asia, US or ? Our Rebecka Kjellman has now left Taipei, Taiwan and is back in Finland.

Explore opportunities

We can help you to explore a new world of opportunities in a range of services from good governance, internal and external control to bank platform management, ERP and Lean Management